Pattern Pattern Pattern

Showing 2 entries for tag: Theseus

Pattern Pattern Pattern

Irma E. Garcia

Greek and Roman Mythology in the Classroom. Curriculum Unit 83.02.11

This unit serves as complement to the curricula of social and urban studies classes. It focuses on the influence of Greek mythology on the modern world and less on literary analysis of  ancient texts.

As part of the activities, the students look for specific words from the myths in translation, draw or cut out pictures which express ideas from the myths, practice oral and silent reading (the labours of Hercules are given as (...)


YEAR: 1983


Deborah Lynn Turnbull

Dolphins and Whales In Mythology Part One of a Multidisciplinary Unit. Curriculum Unit 83.02.12

This unit focuses on myths related to dolphins and whales. The lessons involve reading of the texts, with accompanying ancient pictorial representations of whales and dolphins. The unit explains the ancient (and modern) navigation by stars.

The unit develops critical thinking on natural and ecological issues as well. The creator provides introduction to cetacean from different aspects, biological and cultural.


YEAR: 1983