Pattern Pattern Pattern

Showing 4 entries for tag: Olympus

Pattern Pattern Pattern

Kelley O’Rourke, Yale Teachers Institute

Prometheus, the Firebringer

The resource is primarily intended for theater classes who are incorporating the myth of Prometheus into the curriculum but can also be used as creative and movement-based activities for students studying the myth of Prometheus in an English or Mythology class. The three lesson plans each create a space where students are interpreting the meaning of the myth and using their bodies to engage with the lesson.





DK Find Out

This online resource contains an interactive map of ancient Greece. When you click on one of the sites, an information text appears. If you click on the red words in the text, new information page opens up.

The information which appears on the map includes: Mount Olympus, Greek art, Troy, Greek clothing, Philosophers, Athens, The Oracle at Delphi, Olympia, Sparta, Trireme and Alexander the Great.



Emily Collins

Ancient Greece Unit Plan

This unit offers 14 lesson plans on ancient Greece for years 3/4.  (7-9 year olds) The themes of the lessons are, the geography and climate of Greece, ancient Greece in time, Athens and Sparta, Greeks as fighters, Marathon and the war against the Persians, gods and temples, myths, theatre, performing Greek myths (by the students), Olympic games, everyday life, Greek activities afternoon.




Core Knowledge

YEAR 3: ANCIENT GREECE (five lessons): Lesson 1. An Introduction to Ancient Greece

This is the first lesson of five. It offers an introduction to ancient Greece. The objective of his lesson is to introduce the ancient civilization to the young students and connect it with more familiar themes to the children, such as Olympic Games, Greek gods etc. The teachers are encouraged to incorporate videos from films such as Troy (2004) or 300 (2006).

The lesson includes a map of ancient Greece with key locations and bri(...)
