Pattern Pattern Pattern

Showing 2 entries for tag: Underworld

Pattern Pattern Pattern

Laura Jenkinson-Brown

Greek Myth Comix

The website is focused on presenting students with ancient myths in an approachable and entertaining form of a comic. The author of the comics reaches for absolute classics: myths, the Odyssey, drama, the Aeneid, and allows the reader to effortlessly learn numerous interesting facts and concepts from mythology, literature, philology, philosophy and other sciences.
Greek Myth Comix was originally launched to assist students in the auth(...)



Magda van Tilburg

About Circe

Kirke is a comic book by Magda van Tilburg, in which she presents the myth of Circe and Odysseus according to Homer. The entire comic is written in ancient Greek, the phrases used by characters come from books X and XI of Odyssey. Some of hexameters and words are omitted or slightly modified producing a more fluent story and lively dialogue. It is only in the digital version that the original text is accompanied by an English translation. In addi(...)


YEAR: 1983 2019 (coloured digital version)

COUNTRY: Netherlands