Pattern Pattern Pattern

Showing 1 entry for tag: Paralos

Pattern Pattern Pattern

Natalia Kapatsoulia, Filippos Mandilaras

Pericles and the Golden Century [Ο Περικλής και ο Χρυσός Αιώνας (O Periklī́s kai o Chrysós Aiṓnas)]

The purpose of this book is to showcase Pericles’ life, from childhood to death, and the politics and warfare during Athens’ “Golden Age”, as noted in the subtitle. The front cover shows a helmeted and bearded Pericles before his major construction project, the Parthenon. Builders are shown carrying a Doric capital for the façade’s eighth column, which is missing from the incomplete temple. Yet, we are not only in ancient Athens. At the bottom of the co(...)


YEAR: 2011