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Showing 1 entry for tag: Alcmaeon

Pattern Pattern Pattern

Andrei Valentinovich Shmal'ko

Diomedes, the Son of Tydeus. Book 1: I Won’t Return [Диомед, сын Тидея. Книга I: Я не вернусь (Diomed, syn Tideia. Kniga I: Ia ne vernus’)]

This is a heroic fantasy fiction based on the myth of Diomedes, aimed at young adults, in novel format. The plot of the novel is reframing and reinterpretation of the myths of Seven against Thebes and Epigones, as well as other events from the life of Diomedes before the Trojan War. Diomedes, the son of Tydeus the Unforgiven, was born in exile. His father owes his unfortunate nickname and his status of exile to kindred killing performed by him in the state of madness. Diomedes himself exper(...)


YEAR: 2000