Pattern Pattern Pattern

Showing 5 entries for year: 1957

Pattern Pattern Pattern

Jan Parandowski

Circus and Arena [Cyrk i arena]

The weekly Dookoła świata [Around the World] (1954–1976) was intended to be a sort of travel magazine and “a window to the external world” for Polish teens in the Polish People’s Republic – see here [entry “Z antycznego świata”, Dookoła Świata 13 (1957)]. The article focuses on the Roman circus and amphitheatre. Both are presented as a building and as an institution. First, Parandowski writes about the beginning of the circus between the Palatine an(...)


YEAR: 1957


Jan Parandowski

From the Ancient World. Greece. Greatness of Greek culture [Z antycznego świata. Grecja. Wielkość kultury greckiej]

The weekly Dookoła świata [Around the World] (1954–1976) was intended to be a travel magazine and “a window to the external world” for Polish teens in the Polish People’s Republic. It published reports from anywhere in the world and novels in installments (in this issue by H. Balzac), novellas and/or short stories, interviews, articles about art, essays, fun facts, and many more materials, attractive to the young reader. The text by Parandowski, which inspired the co(...)


YEAR: 1957


Jan Parandowski

Rome. From Kings to Emperors [Rzym. Od królów do cesarzy]

The weekly Dookoła świata [Around the World] (1954–1976) was intended to be a kind of a travel magazine and “a window to the external world” for Polish teens in Polish People’s Republic times – see here [entry “Z antycznego świata”, Dookoła Świata 13 (1957)]. The article is illustrated with a large photograph of the Augustus of Prima Porta statue from Braccio Nuovo of the Vatican Museums and small images of the Capitoline she-wolf between particular(...)


YEAR: 1957


Charles Keeping, Rosemary Sutcliff

The Silver Branch

The Silver Branch is the second in a series of novels that recount the adventures of various generations of the Aquilii family down to the Norman period. In each case, one of the protagonists owns a Dolphin Ring, which has been passed on through the family. The publishers, Oxford University Press, state that the primary audience has an age range of 11–16 (Meek 1962, p. 39).Two cousins from the Aquilii family, Tiberius Lucius Justinianus (Justin) and Marcelus Flavius Aquila, serve under Car(...)


YEAR: 1957

COUNTRY: United Kingdom

Bohdan Korewicki

Through the Ocean of Time [Przez ocean czasu]

Based on: Katarzyna Marciniak, Elżbieta Olechowska, Joanna Kłos, Michał Kucharski (eds.), Polish Literature for Children & Young Adults Inspired by Classical Antiquity: A Catalogue (accessed: June 11, 2021), Faculty of “Artes Liberales”, Warsaw: University of Warsaw, 2013, 444 pp.High school graduate, Dominik Konarski strolls through the woods and meets a group of unusually dressed strangers. They ask him for the current date and invite him to see their time machine; shortly afte(...)


YEAR: 1957