Our Mythical Childhood...

The Reception of Classical Antiquity in Children’s and Young Adults’ Culture in Response to Regional and Global Challenges

The Present Meets the Past: Gallery

Pictures from the workshops The Present Meets the Past (14–20 May 2018), in the European Year of Cultural Heritage, Faculty of “Artes Liberales” UW

Workshops on the Our Mythical Childhood Survey database, on mythology and autism in the Café Życie Jest Fajne [Life Is Cool] managed by the staff on autism spectrum, awarding ceremony of the video competition for youth “Antiquity–Camera–Action!”, workshops on methodological issues, discussions of the first results of the Project, Grant Seminar session, workshops on Ancient Greek vases, on Ancient dance, presentation and discussion of the results of the schools venture “The Scraps of Memory” (schools from Józefów and Warsaw)