Pattern Pattern Pattern

Showing 5 entries for year: 1969

Pattern Pattern Pattern

Halina Rudnicka

A Hero Bound [Heros w okowach] (Spartan Trilogy [Trylogia spartańska/Trylogia antyczna], 3)

Based on: Katarzyna Marciniak, Elżbieta Olechowska, Joanna Kłos, Michał Kucharski (eds.), Polish Literature for Children & Young Adults Inspired by Classical Antiquity: A Catalogue, Faculty of “Artes Liberales”, Warsaw: University of Warsaw, 2013, 444 pp., section by Joanna Grzeszczuk, p. 322.A Hero Bound is the last book of Halina Rudnicka’s trilogy about ancient Sparta. The Spartan king Cleomenes, after being defeated by the Achaean League, flees to the court of Ptolemy E(...)


YEAR: 1969


James Reeves, Sara Silcock

Heroes and Monsters: Legends of Ancient Greece

This is an anthology book for children which presents the key figures and stories from classical mythology. The chapters are lightly illustrated, with one or two line drawings per chapter. Introduction.Pronunciation Guide (and map of Ancient Greece).The Beginning of Man: Prometheus and Pandora. Winter and Summer: Demeter and Persephone. Daedalus and Icarus.Phaeton’s Journey.King Midas (divided into ‘The Golden Touch’ and ‘A Pair of Ass’s Ears&rsq(...)


YEAR: 1969

COUNTRY: United Kingdom

Lisl Weil

King Midas’ Secret and Other Follies

An illustrated retelling for children of four key Greek myths: King Midas’ Secret; Narcissus; Icarus; The Sphinx. Each story is retold as a humorous cautionary tale. The introduction emphasizes the strangeness of ancient Greece, with speaking flowers and fabulous beasts, and "When the gods came down from Mount Olympus, life in this strange land became even stranger. You could never be sure the bull you saw was not a god in disguise. But the people were the same as they are today. Some(...)


YEAR: 1969

COUNTRY: United States of America

Nina Vasilenko

The Adventures of Aeneas the Cossack [Пригоди Козака Енея (Pryhody Kozaka Eneia)]

The film is an abridged version of Aeneid by Ivan Kotliarevsky (see here), fragments of which are read by a narrator. Although the animation exploits all the main themes, it omits many storylines of Virgil or Kotliarevsky. It starts with presenting the portrait of Ivan Kotliarevsky, dedicating the film to his anniversary. Then, we see a head of an ancient female statue, followed by a scene of three statues on the pedestals: Juno (in the style of Juno Barberini), Venus (a variant of the Venus de (...)


YEAR: 1969

COUNTRY: Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR)

Aleksei Simukov, Aleksandra Snezhko-Blotskaia

The Return from Olympus [Возвращение с Олимпа (Vozvrashchenie s Olimpa)]

Heracles in company of Zeus’ Eagle returns to Earth for one night. In the sanctuary, they see a statue of Heracles and black figure frescoes presenting his labours (“all twelve of them”). Looking at the frescoes Heracles and the Eagle retell some of the labours. The apples of Hesperides and the liberation of Prometheus are presented as short stories within the main plot. While reminiscing about the past, the heroes discuss whether Heracles acted by the will of the gods or (...)


YEAR: 1969

COUNTRY: Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR)