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Showing 4 entries for tag: Iras (Handmaid)

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George O'Connor

Aphrodite. Goddess of Love (Olympians, 6)

Aphrodite is the sixth instalment of the tremendous Olympians series. It is narrated by the Charites and begins in a time before time, with the ancient Greek creation myths – Gaea and Ouranos, unfocused Eros, and the rise of the Titans leading to Kronos' castration. "The seat of Eros' power in Ouranos" is depicted falling into the sea in a mass of pink foam. The foam churns while more of the creation story plays out. The Olympians, humans, and animals all develop and(...)


YEAR: 2014

COUNTRY: United States of America

Philip Reeve, Margaret Simpson

Cleopatra and Her Asp

In this book, Cleopatra’s biography takes an unusual form, a fictional diary of the Queen that uses elements of comic books. The playful form reflects its target audience of children and teenagers. It includes an introduction about the Ptolemaic dynasty and the situation in ancient Egypt at the beginning of Cleopatra's reign. All the events in the book are in chronological order - we learn what happens from the moment Cleopatra becomes Queen until her death. The author uses diar(...)


YEAR: 1999

COUNTRY: United Kingdom

Adèle Geras, Mark P. Robertson

Cleopatra: Discover the World of Cleopatra through the Diary of Her Handmaiden, Nefret

Cleopatra VII, one of the greatest queens in history, lived in Greco-Roman times in Egypt. When the Queen is described at the beginning of the book, the reader can recognise an almost direct quotation from Plutarch of Chaeronea*. The narrator is a ten-year-old girl named Nefret. She goes to the Queen's palace to work as her handmaiden. This allows the reader to learn about the customs and everyday life in Hellenistic Alexandria. Nefret meets Cleopatra when she is mourning Caesar (afte(...)


YEAR: 2007

COUNTRY: United Kingdom

Clint Twist

Cleopatra: The Last Pharaoh

This book is a heavily illustrated biography of Cleopatra. The introduction shows Cleopatra as a popular icon through the ages. A chronological description of events opens with background information about Alexander the Great, the Ptolemaic dynasty in Egypt, and Cleopatra's death. The inclusion of a fictional diary enables the reader to imagine how Cleopatra felt. Numerous illustrations (paintings, engravings, sculptures etc.) enrich the reader's experience and provide additional (...)


YEAR: 2012

COUNTRY: United Kingdom