Pattern Pattern Pattern

Showing 3 entries for tag: Orthrus

Pattern Pattern Pattern

John Harris , Mark Todd

My Monster Notebook

My Monster Notebook is a picture book that gives information about several mythological monsters: Echidna, Orthrus and Geryon, Briareus, Ethon, Argus, Lamia and Keto, the Teuemessian Fox, Hecate, Typhon, Erinyes, Proteus, Cacus, Circe, Triton (and the tritons), Graeae, Nereids, Talos, Python, and Ladon. It is formatted like a young teenager’s exercise book for a class project on Monsters, and uses trompe-l’oeil, collage and sketches to present the material. On the inside cover is a n(...)


YEAR: 2011

COUNTRY: United States of America

Jeff Goodsill, Brian Sullivan, Randall Wallace

Titan Quest

Titan Quest tells the story of a warrior who travels through Greece, Egypt, and the Orient to re-establish the connection between the Olympian gods and the human race before the Titans destroy humanity. To do this, the hero must fight numerous mythical beasts, help various villages and civilisations, and ultimately destroy the Telchines, who are trying to summon the Titans to take over the Olympian gods. The game’s art style consists of typical Greek scenarios. In the area between tow(...)


YEAR: 2006

COUNTRY: United States of America